Market Street’s Change for Charity donates $2K to Inspiration Ranch

☆THANK YOU TO ALL OF OUR WPS CUSTOMERS who participate in these events with us!! And a very special thank you to our sponsor: Northside Imports Houston - Home of Alfa Romeo, Maserati, and Fiat. We appreciate all of our volunteers - including Randy Weldon and Pam Wilemon from Northside Mustang Car Club, Phillip Mitchell, and to all of our very generous enthusiasts who take the time to join us at our events and support our mission in "Using Our Cars to Give Back to Our Community." ~Dana #SoGrateful #WeLoveOurCustomers #WeLoveOurCommunity #InpsirationRanch #TheWoodlandsCarClub #MarketStreetTheWoodlands #HelloWoodlands

change for charity

THE WOODLANDS, TX - Market Street’s Change for Charity program donates more than $2,000 to Panther Creek Inspiration Ranch.

By Hello Woodlands | July 28, 2017

As part of its Change for Charity initiative, Market Street recently donated more than $2,000 to Panther Creek Inspiration Ranch.

The funds were raised by Market Street patrons and The Woodlands Car Club event attendees during the second quarter of 2017 and will assist the organization, which provides personal advancements and results for people with special needs through equine therapy. The programs at Inspiration Ranch are led by Path International Registered Instructors and are supported by a team of dedicated volunteers and therapy horses.

Since the program’s inception, Market Street patrons and The Woodlands Car Club event attendees have raised more than $120,000 for local charities. Four Montgomery County organizations are selected each year.

The Woodlands Car Club also generously raises money at their events, held the first Sunday of each month. Their contributions, coupled with the amount donated to Market Street’s 68 parking meters make up the total amount given to a selected charity each quarter.