The Woodlands Car Club & Express Oil Change & Tire Engineers in Spring Support Cassidy Joined for Hope Foundation - Suicide Awareness and Prevention

The Woodlands Car Club teamed up w/Express Oil Change & Tire Engineers in Spring to raise awareness and funds for Cassidy Joined for Hope Foundation - Teen Suicide Prevention & Awareness.

"Thank you so much for thinking of our charity and including Cassidy Joined for Hope in your donations and support. This is such an important topic that has affected so any lives in our own community and needs to be addressed and talked about so that no other family has to lose a child to suicide. Thank you for helping us spread the awareness." Kim Hess, Founder

☆A big THANK YOU to WPS customer Eric Nitcher, Judy LaField Jackson and Phil Jackson, Blair Franklin for bringing your awesome cars out, Chadd from Express Oil Change & Tire Engineers, Cory from O'Reilly Automotive, Shawna Wilkins from 86 Today Show, students from College Park High School, and Kim Hess and family from Cassidy Joined for Hope Foundation. It was a nice morning to get together in support of raising awareness and suicide prevention. We appreciate you taking time out of your day to support this very important cause - our young people in our community, they are our future! ~Dana :)